Vers. 15 - 68
Deuteronomy 28
Physical Appearance of the Israelites
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:
For years, scholars, theologians and archaeologist have debated the answer to the question,
"How did the ancient Israelites look physically?" Although the scriptures and other historical
documents, have left a lot of evidence that confirms the physical appearance of the Israelites.
Much of this information is still unknown to the masses. The popular belief today among
Christians, Scholars and theologians is the people known as "Ashkenazi Jews" are the direct
descendants of the ancient Israelites
Our Challenge: We will publicly debate any "Bible Theologian" on the curses
of Deuteronomy 28 to determine which group of people fit these curses!
The True Name Of God (YAH)
All 12 tribes were Black
When YAH (God) cursed Miriam, Moses sister he turned
her white! He also turned Moses hand white as a sign.
The scriptures which will be used as
our main source of information,
supported by history and archaeology
proves that these Ashkenazi (white)
Jews are not the physical descendants
of the ancient Hebrew Israelite nation.
In addition it reveals who the true
descendants are. The answer may
leave you in shock
Israel is mentioned in scripture over
2,500 times. The scriptures contain the
Hebrews' entire history. In fact, no
other people on the face of the earth
have such an extensive recorded
history, not even the ancient
Egyptians. Every thing we need to
know about the ancient Hebrews is
contained in Scripture. Let's examine
these facts, information that to this day
remains unknown or hidden to many
"bible" readers
Just a reminder: If you are not
using the original "Old" King James
Version of the Bible, many of these
new translations of the Bible have
taken the word "Black" out and
replaced it with the word "dark" or
some other word when describing
the children of Israel. Now you have
to ask yourself first, why do we need
a new translation of the Bible? And
second, Why did they take the word
"Black" out? I will let you figure that
one out on your own. (Also some
Bibles have even taken the word
GENTILE out!) If you want to know
the TRUTH buy the "Old" King
James Version of the Bible or just
read it online FREE.
Watch video below for just a few of the many verses in the Bible
using the word Black to describe the children of Israel
The root word of Ur which is ORR means fire oven. The average temperatures in that
region is 125 degrees. this is where the ancient Sumerian civilization began. The
Sumerians called themselves "Saggig", which means "black headed ones", because they
shaved their heads. The ancient Chaldeans were their cousins
Abraham father Terah, was a relative of Nimrod. He was a merchant who sold idols in the
city of Ur. It's a widely known fact that Nimrod was the son of Cush. Cush is the progenitor
of the Nubians / Ethiopians, and the Nubians are a black skinned people. So, this means
that Nimrod was also black. Abraham came from this part of the world, which in his day was
overwhelmingly populated with black skinned people. This is not surprising because in that
region the average temperature was 120 degrees. This means that the people in that part
of the world had to have large amounts of melanin in their skin, which means they were
very dark skinned.
According to the scriptures, History and Archaeology this image on the right is a
more accurate image of what the Hebrew Prophet Moses would have looked like
in Physical Appearance
Verify this information for
yourself! We challenge you!
The True Appearance of Ancient Egypt